My Digital Launch Framework

This article will help you avoid all launch party mishaps! It's the framework I use for all in-house launches for my company as well as all of my client launches.

The goal: Build suspense. Generate interest. Encourage excitement. Build desire.

It's called the 21/10/5 launch framework.

We use the first 21 days to build a sufficient amount of suspense in anticipation for the announcement of the product/service/offer. Sharing things like promo videos, attention grabbing graphics, sneak previews, hinting to the launch product, and so on, are all great ways to get people interested in this initial 21 days. The reason 21 days is such a sweet spot is because it allows for a more natural progression through the launch, it doesn't overwhelm an Instagram feed with 'new product, buy now' graphics and it lets people ride the emotional rollercoaster of your launch plan.

Then we move onto generating interest and encouraging excitement in the next 10 days. This is by dropping bits and pieces of information that leads your audience towards the big reveal. For example, if you're bringing out a new collection of streetwear, why not tease some of the colours and patterns? If you're launching a new treatment in your day spa, why not share some images or ingredients used to generate interest in the service? You'll see people write things like "Mark your calendars 01.10.22, something big is coming!" this is a tactic to lead people closer to where they need them for the next phase of the launch rollercoaster!

Finally, over the remaining 5 days I opt for a traditional countdown. There is nothing more satisfying than successfully building desire in a launch period because it shows that people are ready to accept what you have on offer! Generally I will work on releasing 5 new pieces of content in direct relation to the announcement. This could be a video showcasing the exact service, images of the products in use, customers using the new items etc. Tell people why they need what you're launching and how they can get it once the launch is completed.

5,4,3,2,1 Launch!

This is the framework that I use in my company for in-house launches as well as launches for clients. If you'd like to learn more about the exact steps within the steps, reach out and see if Vizual can help make your next launch one to remember!

N.B. This framework is most effective when the client has done their end of the deal first by getting their offer ready for market. If that's been done, we can begin!

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